Die letzten Zeugen - Das Buc


Tafeln 5. Mai

Dorit Whiteman

geb. 1924, USA

“A Letter to the Stars is teaching the world an important lesson: How to bring together two generations from very different camps who would otherwise remain embittered and alienated from one another: One camp is comprised of people who were persecuted years ago, the other of descendants of the persecution. How have these two camps been brought together? How could I – a refugee from Austria under Hitler – ever feel comfortable returning to Austria when I used to be filled with hate and resentment for all I had lost personally and of all the immense suffering under Hitler? On my first visits to Vienna I did not even want to speak German and avoided any Austrians who wanted to speak with me, always thinking was he one of them?....or maybe she was the one? My feelings changed because of the initiative and open mindedness of both camps. On the one hand, the young people of “A Letter To The Stars” and others like them have been exceedingly moving. Their efforts to reach us could melt any heart. On the other hand, those who were persecuted deserve credit for letting go of grudges and for recognizing that young Austrians deserve not a scintilla of guilt for Hitler’s atrocities. Both camps – with their humanistic approach – should help inspire conciliation efforts in outer countries where resentments seethe and feuds fester for many generations following conflicts and persecution.”
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