Liste der Ermordeten

Folgende Informationen sind von Elias Philipp verfügbar:

geboren am 26.05.1931 in
letzte bekannte Wohnadresse
andere Wohnadresse(n)
Deportation von Wien nach Litzmannstadt am 19.10.1941
gestorben - Todesdatum unbekannt -
Die Recherche wurde von Valentina, 16 Jahre, BG Tamsweg, übernommen.

Die Lebensgeschichte und wie die Recherche verlaufen ist:

Der Brief an den/die Ermordete/n :

Dear Valentina,

I haven’t been writing to you for a long time. I hope, you don’t think that I’m dead. But I feel like dead. I am lucky that I live. I am starting at the beginning so that you know, what I’m talking about. I think you know because we are living in this time with racism and more. You know that I’m not a catholic. I also believe in Christ and God, but I’m a Jew. I don’t have very much time to write you because we are always fleeing. I want to write you some special things that I think you should know. It is a pity that I’m not near you because we had so much fun every time. I miss you, my friends in Germany, your family and my old neighbours. As you know, there are some people, very many I think, most of them are called Nazis, Hitler is their leader, anti-Semitic. We don’t know why or how they came to it, people they don’t like to persecute because of their race. We, the Jews have to wear the star of David and we have to live in Jewish quarters. We are not allowed to buy in other markets than in Jewish shops. And the Germans aren’t allowed to buy in Jewish shops. The German people shout at us, they hit us and many things more. We are discriminated. We saw, how policemen hit our neighbours and took them with them. We don’t know where they are now, what they do, if they are in concentration camps, if they are dead. Our Austrian friends, who are not of the same opinion as Hitler, hid us in their cellar. They took a heavy burden on them because if the Nazis had found out that they were hiding us, they would be dead. We were fleeing because the SS and SA were coming. Two days later we heard that in the night of 9th/10th November, the Nazis organised a program throughout Germany, burning our synagogues and breaking windows of Jewish shops. As we heard about that, we began to cry. It was really so sad. We don’t understand how people can feel so much hate. We didn’t have much time to stay at a place because we always had to be scared that policemen were coming. One thing, I will never forget, was how my family and I went with an other family. The other people were Roma. We stayed for one day and one night in a barn. We, my family and I, slept upstairs in the hay and the Roma slept downstairs also in the hay. In the morning, it was very early, we heard loud voices and then suddenly the door was opened. We could hide us, but the Roma couldn’t flee. The SS and SA took them with them, but first they shot a shouting child of the Roma. The mother was screaming so much that we were afraid that they could shoot again. We were waiting half an hour then we were fleeing again. One day my father went to a lake to get some water. At the time we hid us in the forest. Then we heard shooting and screaming. We ran away. But then we realised that my father wasn’t here. We were waiting for 15 minutes then we went to the lake. But my father wasn’t there. We only found his amulet. So we knew that he was caught. We were fleeing and still do it because we never know how it will end. I don’t know when you will get the letter or if I will be able to send it to you because it is a hard life for me and my family because we still have to hide. The war isn’t over. I hope I will see you before I die. And I hope that you are still alive. I can’t give you my address because we don’t have one. My father died last year in the concentration camp, how some friends told us. And in the letter they gave us we read that he died because of a heart attack. We think that it is not right because he was always healthy. My mum is still alive and my brother and sister, too. We don’t know how long it will be so. If somebody finds this letter then I hope he will give it to you or will read it so loud that everybody hears, how Jews, Roma and Sintis, and others are discriminated and how many people die without doing anything wrong. So many kids, men, women and babies died, only because the Nazis wanted to. I think, and I’m not alone with that opinion that everybody should know what happened in that time. The Nazis, Hitler and everybody, who was in action to kill people, to discriminate us, should die or be in a dark cellar for the rest of his life!
Hope to see you again!

Dear Elias,

I don´t know who you are and I will never know because you´re dead. You died because of the Nazis and you died because you were a Jew. I can´t imagine how people, like the Nazis, can kill thousands of people. Thousands of people who were Jew, like you, homosexuals, Roma & Sinti or members of other ethnic groups, were killed. I don´t understand how one man and thousands of his followers can kill so many people without any protest. People didn´t think, they were intimidated. Did they accept the situation or didn´t they think about the things going on around them?!? However, I really admire these people who tried to protest and save the Jews. They also died, but they didn´t die because they were Jews, no, they had to die because they were against Hitler and his followers, they didn´t accept his killing thousands of innocent people, they tried to inform the population with their leaflets. It often worked, however, they were betrayed by some followers and handed over to the NSDAP. They knew they lived in danger, but they didn´t give in till they were killed. I know, Elias, you can´t read that, but I want to appeal to the population to think about this time and about the things the Nazis did. I don´t want that us to forget it and forget the people who had to die. This boy, I´m writing to, was born in 1931 and he died 10 years later, because of Hitler. He didn´t have a teeny-time like I´ve now. He didn´t get to know what love is, what a normal life is like, what school or university is like. Maybe, he could have become a doctor or a president, or, maybe, a poor person. He could have lived in a slum. Who knows? Nobody, because he is dead, he had to die at the age of only 10 years. And it was not only this boy´s fate, many other boys and girls had to suffer the same fate. Some were only a few weeks old. Imagine, little babies, who don´t know what´s going on and who were born a few weeks or months before, had to die. Even pregnant women were not spared. I really can´t understand and imagine what happened. I wish you, Elias, you´ll have a better time and world wherever you are now. I hope you´ll live where there is no hatred and killing, I hope that nobody will ever forget those years of murder any time.

Yours, Valentina

Der Brief an die Zukunft (stieg am 5. Mai 2003 an einem Luftballon gebunden in den Himmel):

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