Folgende Informationen sind von
Josef Abeles verfügbar:
geboren am |
19.02.1864 in Wien |
letzte bekannte Wohnadresse |
andere Wohnadresse(n) |
Deportation |
von Wien nach Theresienstadt am 28.06.1942 |
gestorben |
in Treblinka- Todesdatum unbekannt -
Die Recherche wurde von
Ebru und Roseville, 13 Jahre, VBS In der Krim 6,
Die Lebensgeschichte und wie die Recherche verlaufen ist:
Dr.Josef Abeles wurde am 19.2.1864 in Wien Leopoldstadt geboren. Seine Eltern waren der Bethaus-Diener Sigmund A. und Betti, geb.Obernbreit. Er wohnte seinerzeit in Wien 2., Leopldsgasse 26. Seine Braut war die die Blumenmacherin Helene Feldmahr, die am 21.Juni 1866 in Wien geboren wurde und in Wien 2, Zwergengasse 4, gewohnt hat.
Am 27. Dezember 1891 heirateten die beiden in Wien Leoplodstadt. Josefs Beruf wurde als Commis angegeben. Seine letzte Wohnadresse war 1190 Wien, Hohe Warte 32. Dieses Gebäude stand damals im Besitz der Isrealitischen Kultusgemeinde, und es war dort ein Blindenheim untergebracht.
Heute gehört dieses Gebäude der Republik Österreich (Bundesgebäudeverwaltung).Es ist dort das Polizeikommissariat Döbling untergebracht.
Am 28.6.1942 wurde Dr.Josef Abeles mit 172 Mitbewohnern, die ungefähr gleich alt waren, nach Theresienstadt deportiert. Seine Frau Helene Abeles war auch unter den Deportierten.
Der Transport kam am 29.6.1942 in Theresienstadt an. Die Menschen dort lebten in ständiger Angst vor Deportationen in den Osten.Helene Abeles starb in Theresienstadt am 11.9.1942, ihr Mann wurde am 23.9.1942 mit dem Transport Bq 209 ins Vernichtungslager Treblinka weitergeschickt.
Nach dem Krieg fragte ein Verwandter bei der UNO Organisation UNRRA nach Dr.Abeles.
Wir haben uns Dr. Abeles ausgesucht, weil wir auch im 19.Bezirk wohnen wie er.______________________
Roseville's Beitrag in Englisch
Dr. Josef Abeles was born on February 19th, 1864. He married on December 27th, 1891 in Leopoldstadt,the second district of Vienna. He was a clerk. His parents were the servants Sigmund A. and Betti, born Obernbreit. In these days he lived in the second district of Vienna, in Leopoldsgasse 26. His bride (fiancee) was the florist helene Feldmahr, who was born on June 21st, 1866 in Vienna and who lived in 1020 Vienna, Zwerggasse 4. Their last residence was in the 19th district of Vienna, Hohe Warte 32. This was certainly not their apartment; it was a Jewish old people's home for blind people.
We don't know why these two people were still in Vienna in the summer of 1939 and why they didn't see a possibility to go or move away, but--like most of the old people in that time- they estimated
the danger in the wrong way.
Dr. Abeles and Helene were transported from Hohe Warte 32 together with 172 other inhabitants on June 28th, 1942 to Theresienstadt.The transport arrived on June 29th, 1942 in Theresienstadt.
Helene died there on September 11th, 1942.
Theresienstadt was a prison and ghetto during the time of National Socialism; located in the north-west of Praguee, it was established by the GESTAPO (Secret State Police). 140.000 female and male Jewish people, mostly from Bohemia and Moravia, from Austria,Netherlands, Denmark, the"German Empire" were afraid of being deported to one of the extermination camps of Treblinka and Auschwitz.
The living and working conditions there were very bad and hard.
Hunger, missing sanitary equipments and unsatisfactory dresses were the reasons for the death of thousands of people.
From 140.000 who had been deported to Theresienstadt, 33.000 died in the city.
88.000 were taken to other extermination camps and they were killed there..
Only 19.000(!) prisoners were still alive when they were released from this ghetto on April 20th,
Dr.Abeles was sent to the extermination camp Treblinka with a deportation transport on September 23rd, 1942.
Treblinka was a 600 m long and 400 m wide camp which was surrounded by two fences. The camp was divided into three areas: the accomodations, huts for the arrival of the deported people, and areas for the process of extermination.
After the arrival, the victims first had to go to huts to take their clothes off. Men and women were seperated.
Their hair was totally cut.They had to give away their money, their objects of value (gold, rings, watches), and even their dresses..
After that, they were all naked and they were forced to go through a "tube", an about five meters wide and ninety meters long way from the huts to the gas chambers. Finally, carbon monoxide was put inside and after 30 minutes, all people were dead. The dead bodies were buried in common graves and later, the dead bodies were burned in ovens to remove the marks of mass murder.
About 870.000(!) people, especially Jewish people, were killed and murdered in this camp. The total number of the victims from Austria who died there is hard to estimate.
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Der Brief an den/die Ermordete/n :
Der Brief an die Zukunft (stieg am 5. Mai 2003 an einem Luftballon gebunden in den Himmel):
Hopefully that this kind of crime what happened before to the Jewish will never be happening in our coming future, we will not forget what happened to them. They suffered from hunger and they worked
very hard. Yours, Roseville Sanares----------------------------------------------------------------
Wer diesen Brief liest, sollte mir unbedingt ein e-mail unter CiCi_KiZ_03 schicken.
Ich denke, Ihr solltet das selbe machen wie die anderen Schulkinder und wie ich ! Danke, Eure Ebru |
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