Liste der Ermordeten

Folgende Informationen sind von Arthur Rothenberg verfügbar:

geboren am in
letzte bekannte Wohnadresse
andere Wohnadresse(n) Wien 3, Ungarg.24
Deportation derzeit nicht bekannt- Deportationsdatum unbekannt -
gestorben in Buchenwald am 14.04.1940
Die Recherche wurde von Dr. Donald, 56 Jahre, In der Krim, übernommen.

Die Lebensgeschichte und wie die Recherche verlaufen ist:

While I have no actual specific data,information, about the life of Arthur Rothenberg...I share his
last name, am also Jewish and am also living in Vienna,(for nine years now) and my father, Aaron Rothenberg has a first name also beginning with A. I don't know of any actual Rothenberg relatives in Vienna or Europe, though it is a common name and could be other parts of our family. I know that my grandfather on my fathers side, Joseph Rothenberg, was born in Odessa, Ukraine in the 1880's.
The Rothenberg family, according to a woman who wrote me with the same name from a genology search,
said that the Rothenbergs were prominent farmers there and had to leave because of the pogroms there. My grandmother, Minnie Aheroni, married to Joseph, was from a small shetl below Minsk, in
White Russia, and she had, apparantly, scars from whip marks as a girl when the czar and
soldiers came. They subsequently left for Glasgow, New York, Vancouver, and Los Angeles. My father, Aaron Rothenberg, now 92, was born in Vancouver, Canada in 1910. I wanted to rescue the other four
Rothenbergs on your list and free all of them so we will do this with Arthur for the other Rothenbergs.

Der Brief an den/die Ermordete/n :

Dear Arthur Rothenberg,
I share our common background, tribe, name and city of Vienna, where you lived. I was born just 6 years before you died at Buchenwald. It has been hard for me to live in Vienna, as a Jew, as the Austrians were,it seems, willing or more willing nazis than the Germans.
While I was born in America, my family is from Europe and I am now, I think, the only original
Rothenberg Family, living in Austria or at least in Vienna. So I want to thank you for living and being here and perhaps I can research the Rothenberg Family of Vienna and of Austria. I bought a coin from the Mauerbach hierless art objects taken from Jews during the war. I have been to the Herzl symposium, synagogue, Esra, Jewish events, Jewish Museum, to Mauthausen where they played Beethovens Ninth in the Quarry. I have written about it in a book. Where is my home? I wrote a song called Wandering Jew. I wonder about your life here, what you did, your family and other Rothenbergs and am so grieved, saddened by your life being taken so brutally. It seems the Austrians
are still up to a third caught in the ant-semitic mode, rascist, centuries of brutal discrimination.etc...but, alas, it seems Vienna owes a great deal to the Jewish contribution in all facets of life and would be little known as one of the centers of Europe were it not for the Jews that lived here and that life that was mostly wiped out. I feel like an 'Endangered Species' here,
only 'Lip Service' paid to us Jews and our rich heritage and culture. Indeed, many, most people don't know any Jews or have little direct contact or experience with us. And now the resurgence of
hate crimes and anti-semitic discrimination all over Europe is on the rise, which is well documented. So, I pledge to stay here and live with high values and regards to your life, dedicated to justice, tolerance and freedom for all! Much love and warmth...we will survive, we will prevail, we have hope and are working for peace and love wherever we are.


Dr. Donald Ellis Rothenberg, Susanne Rothenberg, Max-David Rothenberg Family of Vienna,
Ariel Gubkin, my other son in Israel, and the Robert Rothenberg Family of Santa Barbara,California
and all the other Rothenbergs and Jews and Human Beings, everywhere! Your life was not lived in vain!

Der Brief an die Zukunft (stieg am 5. Mai 2003 an einem Luftballon gebunden in den Himmel):

Arthur Rothenberg and all other Rothenbergs(4) of Vienna, that were murdered in the Holocaust...
you are now released with freedom and dignity, into the air, forever living in our memories,
and are now being transgressed into the ethers, the spiritual plane where G-d meets all and
where KADDISH is now being eternally spoken for youall in your names. We love you and are flying
high in the air with you in your balloon...eternally redeemed, and hopeful for the future here on earth...Love, Dr. Donald Ellis Rothenberg Family, Vienna Austria 5.May 2003

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