Die letzten Zeugen - Das Buc


Tafeln 5. Mai

Eva Kollisch

geb. 1925, USA

Eva Kollisch, the daughter of architect Otto Kollisch and poet Margaret Kollisch, spent her childhood in Baden. In July 1939, she and her two brothers were rescued by a Kindertransport and sent to England. In the spring of 1940, the children were reunited with their parents in the USA. Eva K. taught German and Comparative Literature at Sarah Lawrence College for over thirty years and is the author of two memoirs. She lives in New York City and is a mother and grandmother.

 “An die Jugendlichen Österreichs: Nicht vergessen! Aber Ihr seid eine neue Generation. Ihr seid nicht schuldig. Verantwortung habt Ihr, ja. Macht's besser! Frieden, Freiheit, Menschlichkeit, Umweltschutz – die Welt braucht das. Ihr seid ein Anfang. Macht's besser! “
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