Susi Freeman
geb. 1937 (früher Susanne SCHWARZ), AUSTRALIEN“Despite the tragic events of 70 years ago I believe that Austria is making atonement.“ I left Vienna in June 1939 with my parents Felix and Ida Schwarz, as refugees from the Nazi regime. I was just under two years of age and we were fortunate to be able to
come to Australia and make a very good life there. I studied medicine and became a specialist dermatologist. I am married to Dr. Ron Freeman and have one son, Jeremy, and two grandchildren, Michael, 12, and Caroline, 9. My mother, Ida Schwarz, aged 97, is still alive and has told me many things about her life in Vienna. She loved Vienna and says she would never have left if it hadn`t been for the Nazis.
Unfortunately many of my family members were murdered by the Nazis and were not as fortunate as we were to escape. Their names are as follows:
• Hermann & Kathy SCHWARZ, my father`s parents
• Steffi SCHWARZ, my father`s sister
• Grete & Rudolph KARPELES, my mothers´s sister & her husband
• Fritzi & Robert BASSIST, my mother`s sister & her husband
• Erich BASSIST, their five year old son
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